Women Empowerment Installation
What does it mean to be a woman?
We asked this question to fifteen diverse women from across the state of Florida. We captured their stories with the goal of crafting a raw, immersive experience. They were strong enough to share their truths. In doing so, they empowered themselves and others. We are eternally grateful to these women. This production was done by women, for women.
We transformed our studio space into an immersive audiovisual experience. Attached are just a few of the stories from truly inspirational women.
As the Audio Director, it was my privilege to listen to these stories in full and cut them down to capture the essence of each person’s struggles and triumphs to empower the 150+ audience members. I was grateful to work with our crew to take this approach to storytelling.
Original Music created for the event by female musician, Em Bell
Dr. Tracy Halcomb

Dr. Sandra Miles

Stacie Becker